Kafka Consumer Concepts

Consumers and Consumer Groups

The main way we scale data consumption from a Kafka topic is by adding more consumers to a consumer group - adding consumers in a consumer groups scales up the process, however adding more consumers (in a group) than the number of partitions does not help since some consumers just become idle - a partition can only be consumed by one consumer in a group. Adding consumer group allows separate processing of the topic for new use cases (independent from the other consumer groups).

đź’ˇ How should we make use of Kafka consumer and Kafka consumer group?

You create new consumer group for each application that needs all the messages from one or more topics. You add consumers to an existing consumer group to scale the reading and processing of messages from the topics, so each additional consumer in a group will only get a subset of the messages.

Consumer Groups and Partition Rebalance

đź’ˇ What is Partition Rebalance?

Moving partition ownership from one consumer to another is called a rebalance

đź’ˇ When will Partition Rebalance happen?

It happens when new consumers are added or old consumers are removed/crashed or administrator adds new partitions etc.

đź’ˇ What are the two types of Partition Rebalance strategies?

đź’ˇ How does consumer maintain membership in a consumer group and ownership of the assigned partition and make sure it is alive and known to the Kafka broker?

Consumers maintain membership and ownership by sending heartbeats to a Kafka broker designated as the group coordinator. The heartbeats are sent by a background thread of the consumer, and as long as the consumer is sending heartbeats at regular intervals, it is assumed to be alive.

đź’ˇ How does the Process of Assigning Partitions to Consumer Work?

When a consumer wants to join a group, it sends a JoinGroup request to the group coordinator. The first consumer to join the group becomes the group leader. The leader receives a list of all consumers in the group from the group coordinator and is responsible for assigning a subset of partitions to each consumer. It uses an implementation of PartitionAssignor to decide which partitions should be handled by which consumer. Kafka has a few build-in partition assignment polices. After deciding on the partition assignment, the consumer group leader sends the list of assignments to the GroupCoordinator, which sends this information to all the consumers.

âť“ Questions to be explored

  • Why the leader is responsible for the assignment strategy execution, but not the group coordinator?
  • Leader is a client (e.g. java runtime), what is exactly a “group coordinator”?
  • What is the Kafka broker’s architecture? See more in Kafka Guide - Chapter 6 Kafka Internals later.
Static Group Membership

đź’ˇ What is static group membership?

The consumer is assigned a unique group.instance.id and it becomes a static member. The same partitions will be assigned to it when it rejoins the group.

đź’ˇ When static group membership is useful?

Static group membership is useful when your application maintains local state or cache that is populated by the partitions that are assigned to each consumer. When re-creating this cache is time-consuming, you don’t want this process to happen every time a consumer restarts.

đź’ˇ What is the difference of the rebalance strategy for a consumer with static group membership from normal consumer?

When consumer with static group membership restart, it will not trigger a rebalance. session.timeout.ms is used to detected whether they are really gone and rebalance is required. So we should select a good session.timeout.ms config to make sure restart of the consumer is within a acceptable delay and the consumer can catch up after restart.

Creating a Kafka Consumer

All you need is server URI, key and value deserializers

Properties props = new Properties();
props.put("bootstrap.servers", "broker1:9092,broder2:9092");
props.put("group.id", "CountryCounter");
props.put("key.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");
props.put("value.deserializer", "org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer");

KafkaConsumer<String, String> consumer = new KafkaConsumer<String, String>(props);

Subscribing to Topics, we can use regular expression here, but need to pay attention to two issues



The Poll Loop

The heart of the Consumer API

Duration timeout = Duration.ofMillis(100);

while (true) {
	ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(timeout);

	for (ConsumerRecords<String, String> record: records) {
		System.out.printf("topic = %s, partition = %d, offset = %d, " + "customer = %s, country = %s\n",
				record.topic(), record.partition(), record.offset(), record.key(), record.value());
		int updatedCount = 1;
		if (custCountryMap.containsKey(record.value())) {
			updatedCount = custCountryMap.get(record.value()) + 1;
		custCountryMap.put(record.value(), updatedCount);

		JSONObject json = new JSONObject(custCountryMap);

The poll() loop does a lot more than just get data. The first time you call poll() with a new consumer, it is responsible for finding the GroupCoordinator, joining the consumer group, and receiving a partition assignment. If a rebalance is triggered, it will be handled inside the poll loop as well, including related callbacks.

Thread Safety: one consumer per thread is the rule. To run multiple consumers in the same group in one application, you will need to run each in its own thread. To achieve multi-threaded message consumption with the Kafka Consumer, there’re some tricks to be played, see Example of Multi-threaded Message Consumption

Configuring Consumers

đź’ˇ If you set fetch max.wait.ms to 100 ms and fetch.min.bytes to 1 Mb, how will Kafka response to the fetch request from consumer?

Kafka will receive a fetch request from the consumer and will response with data either when it has 1 MB of data to return or after 100 ms, whichever happens first.

Commits and Offsets

One of Kafka’s unique characteristic is that it does not track acknowledgements from consumers the way many JMS queues do. Instead, it allows consumers to use Kafka to track their position (offset) in each partition. We call the action of updating the current position in the partition an offset commit. Unlike traditional message queues, Kafka does not commit records individually. Instead, consumers commit the last message they’ve successfully processed from a partition and implicitly assume that every message before the last was also successfully processed.

đź’ˇ For Kafka consumer, which case there will be duplicated processing?

During a rebalance, a consumer is assigned a new set of partitions. If the committed offset of the partition is smaller than the offset of the last message the client processed, the messages between the last processed offset and the committed offset will be processed twice

đź’ˇ For Kafka consumer, which case there will be missing data?

Same condition as above, if the committed offset of the partition is larger than the offset of the last message the client processed, the messages between these two offsets will be missing.

Automatic Commit

enable.auto.commit=true - it is critical to always process all the events returned by poll() before calling poll() again because the next poll() will commit the last offset returned by the previous poll() regardless if they are fully processed. This is a convenient approach but it does not give developers enough control to avoid duplicate messages.

Commit Current Offset

The simplest and most reliable of the commit APIs is commitSync(). This API will commit the latest offset returned by poll() and return once the offset is committed, throwing an exception if the commit fails for some reason. Noted that commitSync() will commit the latest offset returned by poll().

Asynchronous Commit

Done by commitAsync(): we just send the request and continue without waiting for the response from the broker. commitAsync() gives you an option to pass in a callback that will be triggered when the broker responds. It is common to use the callback to log commit errors or to count them in a metric, but if you want to use the callback for retries, you need to be aware of the problem with commit order <- use a monotonically increasing sequence number to track in this case.

Combining Synchronous and Asynchronous commits

Before close the consumer or rebalance, we want to make extra sure that the commit succeeds. We can use a combination of sync and async commit to do this.

Duration timeout = Duration.ofMillis(100);

try {
	while (!closing) {
		ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(timeout);
		for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
			System.out.printf(...); // just do something with the record
		consumer.commitAysnc(); // it is ok to request and forget as next loop will serve as a retry
	consumer.commitSync(); // it will block and retry until unrecoverable failure
} catch (Exception e) {
	log.error("unexpected error", e);
} finally {
Committing a Specified Offset

Give the commitAsync() or commitSync() a Map of partition and offset, it can commit specific offsets

private Map<TopicParitition, OffsetAndMetadata> currentOffsets = new HashMap<>();

consumer.commitAsync(currentOffsets, null)

Rebalance Listeners

The Consumer API allows you to run your own code when partitions are added or removed, by passing a ConsumerRebalanceListener when calling the subscribe() method. You can implement three methods

đź’ˇ Why we need to be aware of the consumer exiting or partition rebalancing?

If you know your consumer is about to lose ownership of a partition, you will want to commit offsets of the last event you’ve processed. Perhaps you also need to close file handles, database connections and such.

Consuming with Specific Offsets

How to Exit Gracefully

You will need another thread to call consumer.wakeup() (the only consumer method that is safe to call from a different thread). Calling wakeup() will cause poll() to exit with WakeupException.

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